
Vignette on a vital vitamin for vegans

Vitamins are organic (carbon- and hydrogen-based) molecules that are essential nutrients for humans. There are 13 different vitamins, of which the B vitamin group has eight, and they all function […]

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Plant life partners: Beneficial bacteria

The evolution of terrestrial plants from aquatic ecosystems came with challenges: adaptation to survive the harsh environments, and co-evolution with other life, such as bacteria. Bacteria are one of the […]

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British Science Week 2024

British Science Week is a ten-day celebration of science, technology, engineering, and maths taking place between 8–17 March 2024. This week aims to encourage and inspire people from all walks […]

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National Storytelling Week

Throughout history and across cultures around the world, the art of storytelling has been central to the progression and enjoyment of human life, enabling culture, tradition, myth, and legends to […]

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Grasping the grains of gluten

Gluten is a type of protein present in certain cereal grains. The composition of gluten gives wheat dough its elasticity and viscous properties. Increasing intolerance to gluten in human diets […]

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