Education & Training

The Synapse Neurobiology Training Program, training the next generation of neuroscientists

Research into the functions of synapses is crucial to understanding the mechanisms of highly prevalent brain disorders such as epilepsy, autism and Alzheimer’s disease. Professor Michele Jacob is the director of the Synapse Neurobiology Training Program (SNTP), located at Tufts Sackler School of Graduate Biomedical Sciences in Boston. SNTP provides predoctoral students with individualised, in-depth, multidisciplinary research training to investigate […]

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Education & Training

Expanding capacity of non-communicable disease research and training in Thailand

Dr Kathleen Potempa is Professor at the School of Nursing in the University of Michigan, where she served as Dean from 2006 to 2016. A globally renowned leader in nursing, education and science, she has a long academic career focusing on cardiovascular fitness in physically impaired populations, nursing, leadership, and community-based approaches to improving health. She is currently collaborating with […]

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